This page remains available for archival purposes only.
For over two years starting in 2018, Dr. Patricia Pinho regularly provided updates for this respository page.
Brazil is undergoing the deepest political crisis of its recent history following the impeachment process in 2016 of its first female president, Dilma Rousseff of the Workers’ Party. Considered an institutional coup d’état by the Left in Brazil as well as allies from abroad, the deposition of president Rousseff has led to further destabilization of the country’s democracy, including the political imprisonment of its former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of the Workers’ Party in April 2018.
The Research Center for the Americas (RCA) has created this new repository page to provide our community with access to the most pertinent news about this significant political crisis. We have invited RCA Steering Committee member Dr. Patricia de Santana Pinho of the Latin American and Latino Studies Department at UC Santa Cruz to spearhead this initiative. Dr. Pinho’s research and teaching focus on blackness, whiteness, racism, and forms of resistance to racism in Brazil and, more broadly, the black diaspora in Latin America. We thank her for serving as the point person of this effort so that we can be informed global citizens.
Crisis in the Amazon and Other Environmental Disasters
Brazil’s Amazon deforestation this year nearly size of Puerto Rico, says agency
The Guardian, 12/13/2019
Leonardo DiCaprio Responds to Brazil’s President About Amazon Fires
Aimee Ortiz, The New York Times, 11/30/19
Blood Gold in the Brazilian Rain Forest
John Lee Anderson, The New Yorker, 11/04/2019
Emboldened by Bolsonaro, Illegal Loggers in Amazon Kill Indigenous Leader Paulo Paulino Guajajara
Democracy Now, 11/04/2019
Brazilian ‘forest guardian’ killed by illegal loggers in ambush
The Guardian, 11/02/2019
Brazil oil spill leaves local fishermen in the lurch
The Washington Post, 10/27/2019
Save our Shores: The Oil Disaster in Brazil’s North East
Brazil Wire, 10/25/2019
Operation Amazon Redux
Tatiana Dias, The Intercept, 09/19/2019
Brazil’s Amazon chief Raoni calls on Bolsonaro to step down
Anthony Boadle, Reuters, 09/25/2019
At the U.N., Jair Bolsonaro Presents a Surreal Defense of His Amazon Policies
John Lee Anderson, The New Yorker, 09/24/2019
Brazil’s Bolsonaro tells world leaders at the U.N. that the Amazon is not under fire, but full of riches
Marina Lopes, The Washington Post, 09/24/2019
Imagine Jair Bolsonaro Standing Trial for Ecocide at The Hague
Ernesto Londoño, The New York Times, 09/21/2019
Apocalypse Now: What Brazilian Conservatives Gain by Letting the Amazon Burn
Gianpaolo Baiocchi, Boston Review, 09/05/2019
How Bolsonaro’s Climate Change Denial and Anti-Indigenous Policies Led to Massive Fires in the Amazon
Interview with Maria Luisa Mendonça on Democracy Now, 08/28/2019
The Amazon’s Best Hope? A Female Indigenous Chief is on the Mission to Save Brazil’s Forests
NBC News, 08/25/2019
The Amazon Fires are More Dangerous than WMDs
Franklin Foer, The Atlantic, 08/24/2019
Amazon Crisis: Major Protests Erupt Across Brazil
Telesur, 08/24/2019
How Jair Bolsonaro Emboldened Brazilian Agribusiness to Torch the Amazon & Attack Indigenous People – PART 1
Interview with Andrew Miller (Amazon Watch) on Democracy Now, 08/23/2019
How Jair Bolsonaro Emboldened Brazilian Agribusiness to Torch the Amazon & Attack Indigenous People – PART 2
Interview with Andrew Miller (Amazon Watch) on Democracy Now, 08/23/2019
Bolsonaro Fires Head of Agency Tracking Amazon Deforestation in Brazil
Ernesto Londoño, The New York Times, 08/02/2019
Rainforest on Fire
Alexander Zaitchik, The Intercept, 07/06/2019
“We are in great danger”: In Amazon, indigenous Waiapi chief is killed by illegal miners
Teresa Tomassoni, NBC News, 07/02/2019
Resistance to the Reactionary Wave
Latin America’s Radical Feminism Is Spreading
Vanessa Barbara, The New York Times, 01/28/2020
Threatened Rights and Resistance: For a Politically Engaged Anthropology
Julie A. Cavignac, Society for Cultural Anthropology, 01/28/2020
Reclaiming Quilombismo in the End of the Conciliations
Guilherme Moura Fagundes, Society for Cultural Anthropology, 01/28/2020
LGBTI Resistance in Contemporary Brazil
Carlos Eduardo Henning, Society for Cultural Anthropology, 01/28/2020
Amazon tribes gather to plan resistance to Brazil government
Leonardo Benassatto, Reuters, 01/14/2020
Brazil’s artists lead a chorus of resistance to Jair Bolsonaro
Caio Barretto Brito and Tom Phillips, The Guardian, 12/28/2019
2019: a year of resistance and hope
Jessy Dayane, Brasil Wire, 12/20/2019
The Indigenous Resistance Against Jair Bolsonaro
Sue Brandford, Resilience, 06/10/2019
Indigenous Leader Calls for EU Action Against Firms Over Brazil Deforestation
Reuters, 11/11/2019
When The Far Right Took Over Brazil, Its Only LGBTQ Congressman Fled For His Life
Travis Waldron, The Huffington Post, 05/19/2019.
About Last Night: Brasil takes to the streets in defence of its future
Brasil Wire, 05/16/2019
Resisting Bolsonaro in Brazil: One million people strike to defend education
Fiona Edwards, Eyes on Latin America, 05/16/2019
Brazil: Teachers, students protest ‘scandalous cuts’ to education
Mia Alberti, Al-Jazeera, 05/16/2019
How This Black Gay Politician Is Standing Up to the Far-Right Government in Brazil
Ciara Nugent, Time, 05/16/2019
Bolsonaro’s Corrupt Dealings and Ties to Militias
Jair Bolsonaro pictured with second accused in Marielle Franco murder case
Sam Cowie, The Guardian, 10/03/2019
Police Seize Computer at Bolsonaro Condominium Management
Folha de S. Paulo, 11/08/2019
Bolsonaro says he’s fighting corruption. So why is he surrounded by scandal?
David Miranda, The Guardian, 10/28/2019
Who ordered the assassination of Marielle Franco? A year after her death, Brazil still grieves
Jill Langlois, Los Angeles Times, 03/14/2019
The Dramatic Scandal Swallowing the Bolsonaro Presidency Just Drove an LGBT Congressman to Flee Brazil
Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept, 01/24/2019
Brazil’s sole openly gay congressman leaves country after death threats
Staff, The Guardian, 01/24/2019
Power, Corruption and Lies: 3 Weeks In, Bolsonaro Regime Is Falling Apart
Staff, Brasil Wire, 01/21/2019
Human Rights, Education, and Arts and Under Attack in Brazil Post-Bolsonaro Oscar Nominee Petra Costa on Threats to Democracy in Brazil
PBS, 01/31/2020
Bolsonaro and the Unmaking of Brazil
Renzo Taddei, Rodrigo C. Bulamah, and Salvador Schavelzon, Society for Cultural Anthropology, 01/28/2020
“The Playbook is the American Alt-Right”: Bolsonaristas Follow Familiar Extremist Tactics
Dom Phillips, The Guardian, 01/27/2020
Brazil’s pick of a creationist to lead its higher education agency rattles scientists
Herton Escobar, Science, 01/26/2020
Jair Bolsonaro’s racist comment sparks outrage from indigenous groups
Tom Phillips, The Guardian, 01/24/2020
Charges against Glenn Greenwald reveal the rot in Brazil’s democracy
Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, The Washington Post, 01/22/2020
Criminalizing Reporting: Glenn Greenwald Faces Cybercrime Complaint After Exposing Scandal in Brazil
Democracy Now, 01/22/2020
Bolsonaro, Under Fire, Dismisses His Culture Minister For Giving a Nazi Speech, But It Is Still Representative of Brazil’s Governing Ethos
Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept, 01/18/2020
Brazil’s Top Culture Official Fired Over Speech Evoking Nazi Propaganda
Ernesto Londoño, The New York Times, 01/17/2020
Brazil’s Culture Minister Fired After Citing Goebbels
BBC, 01/17/2020
‘Like going back 40 years’: dismay as Bolsonaro backs abstinence-only sex ed
Dom Phillips, The Guardian, 01/17/2020
‘Unqualified, dangerous’: the oddball officials running Bolsonaro’s Brazil
Tom Phillips and Dom Phillips, The Guardian, 01/02/2020
Brazil police investigate fire-bombing of ‘gay Jesus’ film office
BBC, 12/26/2019
Police Bullet Kills 8-Year-Old Girl in Rio de Janeiro
Telesur, 09/21/2019
‘Neoliberalism Deteriorates Human Rights in Brazil’: Report
Telesur, 09/20/2019
Alcântara Base: US Deal a Threat to Sovereignty and Quilombo Communities
Sean T. Mitchell, Brasil Wire, 09/08/2019
A Plea for the Protection of Science in Brazil
Science without Borders Fellows, Brasil Wire, 09/05/2019A ‘Policy of Massacre’ in Rio’s Favelas?
Hugo Bachega, BBC, 08/29/2019
Brazil Plans to Slash Funding of Universities by 30 Percent
The New York Times, 05/02/2019
Call for students to film ‘biased’ teachers brings Brazil’s culture wars to classroom
Anna Jean Kaiser, The Guardian, 05/03/2019
Brazil’s Textbooks to Be Revised to Deny 1964 Coup
BBC News, 04/04/2019
Brazil’s President Calls Nazis Leftists After Israel Holocaust Museum Visit
The New York Times, 04/03/2019
Fury as Bolsonaro Orders Brazil army to mark 55th anniversary of military coup
Dom Phillips, The Guardian, 03/27/2019
Brazil’s President Approves Commemorations of Dictatorship
The New York Times, 03/25/2019
Bolsonaro’s lewd tweets are part of a larger, dangerous crusade
Rosana Pinheiro-Machado, The Washington Post, 03/08/2019
“This Is Just the Beginning”: Greenwald on Rising State Violence & Homophobia in Bolsonaro’s Brazil
Glenn Greenwald, Interview on Democracy Now!, 02/11/2019
How a Demon-Slaying Pentecostal Billionaire is Ushering In a Post-Catholic Brazil
Alexander Zaitchik and Christopher Lord, The New Republic, 02/07/2019
Venceremos: Resisting the Rise of the Far-Right in Brazil
Tatiane Santa Rosa, The Brooklyn Rail, 02/05/2019
He’s been president a week – and already Bolsonaro is damaging Brazil
Eliane Brum, The Guardian, 01/10/2019
Bolsonaro abolishes human rights ministry in favour of family values
Dom Phillips, The Guardian, 12/07/2018
Global Attack on Gender Studies
Elizabeth Redden, Inside Higher Ed, 12/05/2018
Brazil’s Classrooms Become a Battleground in a Culture War
The Economist, 11/29/2018
How An Anti-LGBT Agenda Helped Secure Bolsonaro’s Election Victory
Gustavo Gomes da Costa Santos, Public Seminar, 11/29/2018
On Brazilian politics post-presidential electionsBolivia and Brazil at the Crossroads
The Intercept, 11/13/2019
Dilma Rousseff: 2016 coup opened door to disaster
Dilma Rousseff, Brasil Wire, 04/19/2019
Brazil’s far-right president nixes U.S. trip in face of protests
Reuters, 05/03/2019
Trump & Bolsonaro Join Forces to Back Regime Change in Venezuela & to Attack Media as “Fake News”
Interview with Maria Luisa Mendonça, Democracy Now!, 03/20/2019
222 Days After Political Imprisonment, Lula Speaks
Brian Mier, Brasil Wire, 11/16/2018
Brazil’s New Foreign Minister Believes Climate Change is a Marxist Plot
Jonathan Watts, The Guardian, 11/15/2018
Loss of Cuban Doctors Will Hurt Millions
Peter Prengaman, ABC News, 11/15/2018
Education Is in the Crosshairs in Bolsonaro’s Brazil
Michael Fox, The Nation, 11/12/2018
2018 presidential election of neo-fascist Jair Bolsonaro
Brazil Under Bolsonaro: Social Base, Agenda and Perspectives
Ana Garcia, The Real News, 04/15/2019
How YouTube Misinformation Resolved a WhatsApp Mystery in Brazil
Amanda Taub and Max Fisher, The New York Times, 08/15/2019
From the Union Hall to the Church
Ruy Braga, Jacobin, 04/07/2019
Trump’s New Authoritarian Bromance
Erika Robb Larkins and Bryan Pitts, NACLA, 01/15/2019
Bolsonaro, ‘gender ideology’ and hegemonic masculinity in Brazil
Mariana Prandini Assis & Ana Carolina Ogando, Al Jazeera, 10/31/2018
Brazil has Elected Most Extremist Leader in the Democratic World
Glenn Greenwald, Democracy Now!, 10/29/2018
A Dark Hour in Brazil
Gianpaolo Baiocchi and Marcelo K. Silva, NACLA, 10/29/2018
Here’s What Jair Bolsonaro Thinks
Sean Purdy, Jacobin, 10/28/2018
Bolsonaro and the Institutionalization of Necropolitics
Guilherme Soares Dias and Juliana Gonçalves, Brasil Wire, 10/24/2018
Jair Bolsonaro Wants Brazilian Cops to Kill More. So Why Are Victims of Police Violence Voting for Him?
Rosana Pinheiro-Machado, The Intercept, 10/18/2018
Interview with Rosana Pinheiro-Machado: What Brazil’s Workers’ Party Needs to Do if It Hopes to Defeat Jair Bolsonaro’s Far-Right Coalition
Andrew Fishman, The Intercept, 10/11/2018
The Bolsonaro Effect
Rosana Pinheiro-Machado and Lucia Scalco, Jacobin, 10/04/2018
Is Brazil About to Elect Jair Bolsonaro, the Far-right Executioner of Its Democracy?
James Green, Haaretz, 10/10/2018
Interview with Maria Luísa Mendonça
Democracy Now!, 10/09/2018
Brazil’s Bolsonaro-Led Far Right Wins a Victory Far More Sweeping and Dangerous Than Anyone Predicted. Its Lessons Are Global.
Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept, 10/08/2018
The CIA finger in Brasil’s Elections
Marcelo Zero, Brasil Wire, 10/05/2018
On the unjust imprisonment of Luís Inácio Lula da Silva
Review: “Edge of Democracy” Looks at Brazil with Outrage and Heartbreak
O. Scott, The New York Times, 06/18/2019
Lula: I Want to Clear my Name to Help Rebuild Brazil’s Trust in Government
Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, The Washington Post, 11/21/2019
Watch: Glenn Greenwald Explains the Political Earthquake in Brazil Caused by Our Ongoing Exposés
Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept, 06/15/2019
The Edge of Democracy: Lula Is Freed in Brazil in Victory for Movement to Resist Bolsonaro
Democracy Now, 11/12/2019
Brazil’s Ex-President Lula Freed, Promises to Continue Fight for Justice
The Real News, 11/10/2019
Lula promises to help “free Brazil from the insanity”
Brian Mier, Brasil Wire, 11/09/2019
In Brazil, newly freed Lula sets up clash with Bolsonaro’s right-wing
Reuters, 11/09/2019
Brazil’s Former President Luiz Inácio Lula Da Silva Walks Out Of Prison, Freed by a Judge’s Order
The Washington Post, 11/08/2019
Ex-President ‘Lula’ Is Freed From Prison in Brazil After Supreme Court Ruling
Ernesto Londoño and Letícia Casado, The New York Times, 11/08/2019
Fearful of Lula’s Exoneration, His Once-Fanatical Prosecutors Request His Release From Prision. But Lula Refuses.
Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept, 10/04/2019
Breach of Ethics: Leaked Chats Between Brazilian Judge and Prosecutor Who Imprisoned Lula Reveal Prohibited Collaboration and Doubts Over Evidence
The Intercept, 06/09/2019
New Revelations Show Sérgio Moro & Lava Jato Were Central to Brazil’s Coup
Brian Mier, Brasil Wire, 09/08/2019
Lula’s Political Imprisonment Reaches 500 Days
Brian Mier, Brasil Wire, 08/19/2019
US Congress Members Demand Answers on DOJ/Lava Jato Partnership
Brian Mier, Brasil Wire, 08/21/2019
The Smoking Gun of U.S. Involvement in Lava Jato
Bryan Pitts, Brasil Wire, 06/13/2019
Secret Files Show How Brazil’s Elites Jailed Former President Lula and Cleared the Way for Bolsonaro
Democracy Now, 06/12/2019
Brazil’s Lula convicted to keep him from 2018 election
Al Jazeera, 06/09/2019
The Intercept, 06/09/2019
Lula: Brazil is Governed by Lunatics
Luís Inácio Lula da Silva, Brasil Wire, 04/26/2019
Lula’s Letter to the Brazilian People one year after his imprisonment
Translated by Brian Mier, Brasil Wire, 04/07/2019
Free Lula Samba at Brazil’s Carnival
Mike Fox, The Real News Network, 03/04/2019
Lula da Silva’s Second Conviction Another Travesty of Justice
Brian Mier, Interview in the Real News Network, 02/12/2019
I Just Visited Lula, the World’s Most Prominent Political Prisoner. A “Soft Coup” in Brazil’s Election Will Have Global Consequences. Noam Chomsky, The Intercept, 10/02/2018
Brazil’s Most Popular Leader Has Been Convicted of Corruption on Flimsy Evidence
Mark Weisbrot, The Nation, 08/09/2017